

ICEHO is governed by an elected Board of Directors and the General Assembly of members. The General Assembly meets at least once every two years and at every World Congress of Environmental History. All current members are invited to have one voting representative attend the General Assembly. ICEHO operates under Bylaws which were adopted in 2011. The Board of Directors consists of Officers, Ordinary Members, and the Immediate Past President. The current board was elected in 2024.


Claudia Leal, ICEHO President

Kathleen Brosnan, ICEHO Vice-President


Media & Digital Communications Team

Ordinary Members


Immediate Past President


The ICEHO Logo

Our logo was generously created for ICEHO by Dr. Bjørn Laursen, associate professor in the Department of Communication and Humanities, Roskilde University, Denmark.

Professor Laursen is an acclaimed graphic designer, artist, and author. His most recent works include an interactive book that is being installed at The Viking Museum in Roskilde, and “The All Saints Night Lightening,” 2013–2015, in downtown Roskilde, which he developed in cooperation with light-artist Dr. Honoris Causa.

We are grateful for Professor Laursen's contributions.